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Spiritual Direction Sessions

A session typically lasts 60-90 minutes and is held in a place of quiet and prayer, away from the busyness of daily life.  The person being directed is always the one who determines the content of the session speaking to whatever lived experience she or he would like to explore. 


In one to one or small group sessions perhaps a candle is lit, or spontaneous prayer is shared, or a chime denotes the invitation into sacred time and sharing. 


Usually spiritual direction sessions occur once or twice monthly depending on your desires.  Sessions are usually in person, but can be by phone, email, and/or video conferencing.


Learn about possible session themes




The suggested donation per session is on a sliding scale so that spiritual mentoring is accessible to people of all income levels, ($60-125 per session, or whatever you are able to afford).  



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Photos and Words

© 2021 Tanya Stark Loretto 

Member, Spiritual Directors International,

Vancouver, BC, Canada   

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